In March, Bir Mula Heritage hosted four events. These were ‘A Portrait from Turkey’ on the 18th of March, ‘Shadows from the Past’ on the 26th of March, ‘Children’s Story-Telling’ on the 27th of March and the ‘Traditional Passover Table’ during the Holy Week. Some photos from these events have now been posted on Bir Mula Online and can be viewed by scrolling down to the March events.
From Sunday 28th March to Sunday 4th April, everyone who visited Bir Mula Heritage could see the Traditional Passover Table. This has now become a yearly exhibition during Holy Week, so anyone who could not pay a visit this year, is invited to do so in 2011.
On Saturday, the 27th of March from 10.00am to 11.30am, Ms Corinne Farrugia, a tourism student who is currently gaining work experience at Bir Mula Heritage, and her group animated this event. All children from the age of 5 till the age of 8 were invited for this show in Maltese. The puppet show portrayed a basic overview of the Great Siege of Malta which occured in 1565. All children enjoyed listening to the story of such a historical event which happened in Malta 445 years ago. As a matter of fact, the event is still tied deeply to the Maltese culture as it enhances the Maltese identity. Children also had the opportunity to learn the history of Malta in a different, entertaining and educational way.
On Friday, the 26th of March at 8.30pm His Excellency Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, President Emeritus of Malta, officially inaugurated a photographic exhibition by the photographer Reuben Chircop. The theme of the exhibition is Cospicua, the city where Bir Mula Heritage is located.
The video shown below was taken by Christopher Bugeja during the inauguration.
The exhibition will remain open to the general public on Saturdays and Sundays between 10.00am and noon (till the end of July).
On Thursday, the 18th of March 2010 at 7.00pm Terry Duggan delivered a talk at Bir Mula Heritage about the earliest surviving portrait drawn from life (discovered on a lead seal) in Antalya Province (Turkey) in the year 2000. The implications regarding both the naturalistic portraiture in the Islamic world and also on the formative stages of the Italian Renaissance were discussed.
On Friday, the 19th of February 2010 at 7.00pm Terry Duggan delivered a talk at Bir Mula Heritage about the methods and materials used in painting his views of Malta from 1996 to 2010. During this talk (with the title ‘Painting in Malta: Methods, Materials and Problems’), the painter also discussed the problems associated with paintings from photographs when compared to painting from life. Before and after the talk the audience had the opportunity to view Duggan’s paintings, which where on exhibit at Bir Mula Heritage till the 28th of February 2010.
As from January 2010, this will be the new website of Bir Mula Heritage. From now onwards only this new website will be updated with the latest news and events. However, the old website is still available here for archival purposes.
New events which will take place at Bir Mula Heritage house will from now onwards be announced on this new website. However, you can still find a list of all events which were organised between 2004 and 2009 on the old website and this list is available by clicking here.