Recent discoveries

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During the Covid-19 pandemic the museum was not open for visits and all activities were cancelled or postponed till the hazard disappears. Such measures however did not stop us from carrying out several maintenance works on the venue and the exhibits themselves. It also permitted for further research about the objects on display, the graffiti found on the walls and the history of the locality itself.

Two salient discoveries made concerning the site of the museum were considered also important to tell us more about the site and its environs in history. The first was the finding of a projectile and a zoomorphic figurine dated to an age between the paleolithic or mesolithic age (c. 12,000 – 7,000 BC) and the early neolithic. The projectile, which could be an arrow-head or a spear-head is indicative of human activity on site, such as hunting or even defense of the group from any enemy or creature. The zoomorphic figure, resembling more some kind of livestock, or zoomorphic deity, is witness to the artistic expression of the community then occupying or inhabiting the site.

Another discovery at the museum venue concerned a graffito found at the museum’s main hall. The figure which was already classified as Ottoman was analysed closely. An in depth look at the details of the attire worn and weapons carried, classified this figure as representative of an Ottoman Solak (janissary archer) who was stationed at the house during the 1565 Great Siege.

See the best tourist attractions in Cospicua (Bormla) with a plan including Bir Mula Heritage Museum

On Sunday 20th of January 2013, Bir Mula Heritage House was visited by Hbieb il-Kappelli Maltin (Friends of the Maltese Chapels) who organised a tour of chapels in Bormla (Cospicua) and Isla (Senglea).




The above photograph shows some members of Hbieb il-Kappelli Maltin during their visit at Bir Mula Heritage House. More pictures from the visit and from the whole tour are available here.

Cospicua has three specialised guides

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Three licensed guides were given a certificate as specialised guides for guiding tourists around Cospicua. The guides – Claudine Gauci, Adrian Gauci and Phyllis Chamberlain – successfully completed an intensive course organised by the Bir Mula Heritage museum of Cospicua. The course dealt with various aspects of history and heritage sites in Cospicua.

Museum curator John Vella, who presented the certificates, said that although Cospicua had a great number of unique heritage sites, such as medieval streets, narrow alleys, palazzos, religious sites and baroque fortifications, very few tour operators promoted this heritage.






While most local and foreign visitors appreciate these historical treasures found in Cospicua, local authorities such as MEPA still issued permits for development leading to the demolishment and destruction of important historic buildings.

Mr Vella also said Bir Mula Heritage looked forward to repeating such courses and hoped tour operators would show an interest.

(Note: This is an article that was published in the Sunday Times of Malta of the 30th of December 2012.)

Video Clips Now Available

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Two video clips have been added on Bir Mula Online.

The first one is from the inauguration of ‘Shadows from the Past’ and it can be viewed by scrolling further down.

The second video is from the film ‘Scrooge’ and it can be viewed by first clicking of ‘Facilities’ (above) and then on ‘TV and Cinema’ (on the right).

Both videos were filmed at Bir Mula Heritage so anyone who still did not visit the museum house, can get a glimpse of its architecture.

Photos of March 2010 Events

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In March, Bir Mula Heritage hosted four events. These were ‘A Portrait from Turkey’ on the 18th of March, ‘Shadows from the Past’ on the 26th of March, ‘Children’s Story-Telling’ on the 27th of March and the ‘Traditional Passover Table’ during the Holy Week. Some photos from these events have now been posted on Bir Mula Online and can be viewed by scrolling down to the March events.

New Bir Mula Website

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As from January 2010, this will be the new website of Bir Mula Heritage. From now onwards only this new website will be updated with the latest news and events.  However, the old website is still available here for archival purposes.