2nd May 2010: Art by Emma Pace

Posted by: The Curator in Events No Comments »

On Sunday the 2nd of May at 8.00pm, artist Emma Pace inaugurated an art exhibition with a selection of her paintings.
Anyone who visits Bir Mula Heritage on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of May between 10.00am and noon will have the opportunity to view Emma’s paintings. This will certainly be an opportunity for all visitors to admire the work of this very talented young painter.

1st May 2010: Literary Event

Posted by: The Curator in Events No Comments »

On Saturday the 1st of May at 7.00pm, ‘Moviment Graffitti’ organised a literary event which was open to the general public. The theme was the ‘International Workers’ Day’ and its significance for all workers around the world. The evening started with two talks on the origins of ‘May Day’ and on the history of the workers movement in Malta. The event was also animated with live music and ended with food and drinks on the terrace.