Bir Mula Heritage is situated on St. Margerita Hill, one of the five hills of Bormla (Cospicua). From excavations at the site, many artefacts show that the site was inhabited from a very early age. Chert tools, red ochre, Neolithic sling stones, bones of animals and marine creatures and pottery show that the site was formerly, a site for settlers who had contact with the Sicilian Islands. Stone-works, graffiti and pottery indicate that the site was then a shrine or some spot integrated within the Punic cult. The Punic cultured residents remained long through the Roman era.

The way the house is structured and the stone dressed tells a story in itself. Different storeys and rooms were accessible to different social classes, different genders. Different spaces had specific functions such as kitchen, birthing room, etc. although remains demonstrate, these functions changed across the ages. The stone itself tells a story. The way it was cut, hewn and preserved changed with the ages. The people who inhabited or worked in the house also left their presence felt through the graffiti found in various stones. These include wind roses, a Turkish soldier, galleons and also symbols used by the Knights Templar. In fact some stones have a story to tell. A number of myths are linked with this house. It is said that meetings between the Ottomans and the Knights in 1565 as well as secret meetings between the Knight Templars took place in the lower level of the house. The Knights used to hold preliminary meetings prior to electing a new Grand Master in the hidden folds of this cellar. Other stories speak about the secret plotting taking place here to find ways of overthrowing the occupying Napoleonic French army in 1798 – 1800 and a consequent ransacking with part of the house being set on fire.

You can watch Bir Mula Heritage house itself together with an interview with its curator John Vella by clicking on the image below.

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